Personal Growth Resources

Here at Harvest, we believe that our walk with Christ should be ever deepening. From Sabbath, to walking with the Holy Spirit and more, below are some resources with which to help you grow deeper
in your walk with Him.

How to Worship a King

Worship is more than music. It is the impetus for everything we do as Christians.  It is expressed through every action of our lives and helps us become more Christlike. When we learn to worship God through our life, we become better Christians, ministers, musicians, parents, and mechanics. Transform every area of your life through worship.


Take the Day Off

In Take the Day Off, Pastor Morris explains why rest is central to your wellbeing, how to do it, and how helpful it can be. You will be inspired to experience true rest and make it a priority in the rhythm of your weekly schedule. Don't wait and delay God's blessings in your life. Start implementing the principle of rest in your life and you will see eternal benefits.


How to Stop the Pain

This paradigm-shattering book will free you from the forces that would turn you into a victim. It will lead you step-by-step through a simple process that will free you from the pain of the past and protect you from the pain of the future.


Experiencing the Spirit

The Christian life is not a set of rituals or teachings, but a relationship with God through His Holy Spirit. No matter how much you know about the Bible, no matter how strong your self-discipline, no matter how hard you try to serve and please God, if your relationship with the Holy Spirit is weak, the Christian life will not work for you. We were given the Holy Spirit to make the Christian life experiential, to make Jesus real in our lives.


Bible Project Podcast

The BibleProject podcast features detailed conversations between Tim and Jon and occasional guests, inviting you to explore the biblical theology behind each animated video and series we create.


Word for You Today

As you give room for God's Word in your life, the time and energy you invest will grow your faith and return great rewards. This devotional app is a great tool to get you started! Click the link above to download the devotional app and use access code CHK. If you prefer a booklet option, click the link below to request one be sent to you.