Parenting Resources

At Harvest, we believe that parents are their child’s primary disciple maker. As a church we want to partner with you in discipline your children in Christ’s ways. Check out the resources below that can help you
do just that!

Praying Circles Around
Your Children

Mark Batterson shares a perfect blend of biblical yet practical advice that will revolutionize your prayer life by giving you a new vocabulary and a new methodology. Through stories of parents just like you, Batterson shares five prayer circles that will not only help you pray for your kids, but also pray through your kids.


Building Christian Character

Godly character stands as the most prized goal in Christian education. More than merely teaching a child or anyone else to do and to know about certain things, a God-centered education involves what a person is. It aims to bring forth a life at-one with God, consumed by His love, filled with His truth, submitted to His purpose, conformed to His image. Building Christian Character has been designed to help parents disciple children (and churches disciple believers); and for over 20 years it has done just that.


Your Teenager is Not Crazy

Where parents often see a sweet boy or girl who has morphed into an incomprehensible bundle of hormones and angst, what we really ought to be seeing is an amazing young adult whose brain is under heavy construction. And changing the way we see our teens will revolutionize our relationships with them.


Guarding Your Child's Heart

Most people have 20,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. And for Americans, more than half of those thoughts are negative. So how do you teach your children to guard their minds and hearts in today's society?

This 12-session series from respected relationship expert Dr. Gary Smalley shows parents how they can teach their children to meditate and memorize key Scriptures that will build a foundation for leading a positive life.


Focus on Parenting Podcast

Christian mom or dad, could you use some encouragement and support? Put your ear buds in for this Christian parenting podcast and get practical, faith-based inspiration through all stages of parenting — raising toddlers, navigating the school-age years, preparing for puberty, and seeing your teen soar with confidence. Hosted by Dr. Danny Huerta, in every 8 to 15 minute episode, you’ll hear parenting experts share Biblical truths, effective parenting techniques, and useful resources that will help you feel equipped as a mom or dad in today’s culture.