Kinder - 3rd Grade
The Gospel: God's Plan for Preschoolers
Even before your kids respond to the gospel to make Jesus their personal Lord and Savior, you can help them learn big truths about Jesus and the Kingdom of God.
Use this five point gospel message throughout the semester to remind your kids what Jesus did for us and how they can respond and enter into a relationship with Jesus:
1) God is King.
God made everything! He is King over everything, and He is in charge. (Gen. 1:1; Col. 1:16-17)
2) We sinned.
Everyone sins, or disobeys God. Our sin separates us from God. (Rom 3:23; 6:23)
3) God sent Jesus.
God must punish sin. He loves us and sent His Son, Jesus, to take away the punishment for sin. (John 3:16)
4) Jesus loves.
Jesus gives us the best present. He never did anything wrong, but He was punished in our place. Because He loves us, He died in our place and rose again. (Rom. 5:8; 2 Cor. 5:21)
5) We respond.
We are saved when we turn from sin and trust in Jesus, believing in our hearts and confessing with our mouths that He is Lord and Savior. (Rom. 10:9-10; 13)
Unit 4: Out of Egypt
Key Passage - God is not a man, that he might lie, or a son of man, that he might change his mind. Does he speak and not act, or promise and not fulfill? — Numbers 23:19
Unit Worship Song:
Unit Description: Many years had passed since God used Joseph to rescue His people from a famine by bringing them into Egypt. Now, however, God’s people were in bondage and needed to be rescued. God raised up a new rescuer, Moses, to deliver His people out of Egypt and lead them back to the promised land.
Big Picture Question: Does God keep His promises? Yes, God always keeps His promises because He is faithful.
Sunday, Jan. 1
Topic: God Called Moses
Bible Passage: Exodus 1–4
Christ Connection: God saved Moses’ life and called him to rescue God’s people from slavery. The calling of Moses points to a greater calling and rescue—the call of Jesus to come to earth to save God’s people. Jesus gave up His life to save us from slavery to sin.
Bible Passage: Exodus 1–4
Christ Connection: God saved Moses’ life and called him to rescue God’s people from slavery. The calling of Moses points to a greater calling and rescue—the call of Jesus to come to earth to save God’s people. Jesus gave up His life to save us from slavery to sin.
Sunday, Jan. 8
Topic: God Delivered His People
Bible Passage: Exodus 5–12
Christ Connection: By His grace, God spared the Israelites from judgment by requiring the blood of a lamb. Jesus is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. His death was the ultimate sacrifice, and those who trust in Jesus are under His saving blood and will be passed over in the final judgment.
Bible Passage: Exodus 5–12
Christ Connection: By His grace, God spared the Israelites from judgment by requiring the blood of a lamb. Jesus is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. His death was the ultimate sacrifice, and those who trust in Jesus are under His saving blood and will be passed over in the final judgment.
Sunday, Jan. 15th
Topic: God Parted the Red Sea
Bible Passage: Exodus 13–15
Christ Connection: Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, and God provided a way for them to escape through the Red Sea. The Bible says that Jesus is greater than Moses. (Hebrews 3:3) People who trust in Jesus escape the penalty of sin and have eternal life.
Bible Passage: Exodus 13–15
Christ Connection: Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, and God provided a way for them to escape through the Red Sea. The Bible says that Jesus is greater than Moses. (Hebrews 3:3) People who trust in Jesus escape the penalty of sin and have eternal life.
Sunday, Jan. 22nd
Topic: God Keeps His Promises
Bible Passage: Isaiah 9
Christ Connection: God keeps His promises. He remembered His promise to send a Rescuer and sent His Son, Jesus, into the world as a baby. Jesus grew up and provided salvation for sinners by dying on the cross and rising from the dead.
Bible Passage: Isaiah 9
Christ Connection: God keeps His promises. He remembered His promise to send a Rescuer and sent His Son, Jesus, into the world as a baby. Jesus grew up and provided salvation for sinners by dying on the cross and rising from the dead.
Unit 5: Into the Wilderness
Key Passage - Come, let’s worship and bow down; let’s kneel before the LORD our Maker. For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, the sheep under his care. — Psalm 95:6-7
Unit Worship Song:
Unit Description: Through a series of miracles, God had delivered His people from bondage in Egypt. The Israelites headed into the wilderness on their way to the land of promise. Their journey, however, was not just to move them from one place to another; it was also to be a time when their hearts were to be moved in worship for their God, their true Rescuer.
Big Picture Question: What is worship? Worship is celebrating the greatness of God.
Sunday, Jan. 29th
Topic: God Provided Manna
Bible Passage: Exodus 16–17
Christ Connection: God provided water and manna for His people’s physical hunger. Later, He provided His Son, Jesus, for our spiritual hunger. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35). The Israelites needed bread to live for a little while, but whoever has Jesus will live forever.
Bible Passage: Exodus 16–17
Christ Connection: God provided water and manna for His people’s physical hunger. Later, He provided His Son, Jesus, for our spiritual hunger. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35). The Israelites needed bread to live for a little while, but whoever has Jesus will live forever.
Sunday, Feb. 5th
Topic: God Gave the Ten Commandments
Bible Passage: Exodus 19–20
Christ Connection: God’s law shows us what He requires. Our sin separates us from a holy God, but Jesus came to bring us back to God. When we trust in Jesus, He takes away our sin and gives us His perfect righteousness.
Bible Passage: Exodus 19–20
Christ Connection: God’s law shows us what He requires. Our sin separates us from a holy God, but Jesus came to bring us back to God. When we trust in Jesus, He takes away our sin and gives us His perfect righteousness.
Sunday, Feb. 12th
Topic: The People Worshiped a Golden Calf
Bible Passage: Exodus 32–34
Christ Connection: Moses acted as the people’s mediator, standing for them before God. Moses could not do anything to make up for their sin, but we have a better Mediator—Jesus. Jesus paid for our sin on the cross and stands for us before God. When we trust in Jesus, our sins are forgiven.
Bible Passage: Exodus 32–34
Christ Connection: Moses acted as the people’s mediator, standing for them before God. Moses could not do anything to make up for their sin, but we have a better Mediator—Jesus. Jesus paid for our sin on the cross and stands for us before God. When we trust in Jesus, our sins are forgiven.
Sunday, Feb. 19th
Topic: The People Built the Tabernacle
Bible Passage: Exodus 35–40
Christ Connection: God told the Israelites to build a tabernacle where He would dwell with them. God wants to be with His people. As part of His plan to save sinners, God sent Jesus to dwell on earth with people.
Bible Passage: Exodus 35–40
Christ Connection: God told the Israelites to build a tabernacle where He would dwell with them. God wants to be with His people. As part of His plan to save sinners, God sent Jesus to dwell on earth with people.
Sunday, Feb. 26th
Topic: God Deserves Our Worship
Bible Passage: Leviticus 1–4
Christ Connection: God deserves our worship. He created us to be in a relationship with Him, and He has provided salvation from sin through His Son, Jesus. We can worship God by loving and obeying Him as we live to give Him glory.
Bible Passage: Leviticus 1–4
Christ Connection: God deserves our worship. He created us to be in a relationship with Him, and He has provided salvation from sin through His Son, Jesus. We can worship God by loving and obeying Him as we live to give Him glory.
Unit 6: Away from the Land
Key Passage - LORD, who is like you among the gods? Who is like you, glorious in holiness, revered with praises, performing wonders? — Exodus 15:11
Unit Worship Song:
Unit Description:
When God’s people arrived at the border of the promised land, they did the unthinkable: they disbelieved God’s faithfulness and disobeyed His command by refusing to enter. As a result, God forced His people away from the land to wander in the wilderness where they continued in their disbelief and sin against a good, loving, and holy God.
Big Picture Question:
What is God like? God is holy, good, and loving.
Sunday, Mar. 5th
Topic: The People Didn’t Go Into the Land
Bible Passage: Numbers 13–14
Christ Connection: The Israelites did not trust God. They rebelled against Him. Jesus trusted God perfectly. He came into the world to take the punishment we deserve for our own rebellion against God. When we trust in Jesus, God forgives our sin and invites us into His kingdom forever.
Bible Passage: Numbers 13–14
Christ Connection: The Israelites did not trust God. They rebelled against Him. Jesus trusted God perfectly. He came into the world to take the punishment we deserve for our own rebellion against God. When we trust in Jesus, God forgives our sin and invites us into His kingdom forever.
Sunday, Mar. 12th
Topic: Moses Disobeyed God
Bible Passage: Numbers 20
Christ Connection: Moses disobeyed God and did not enter the promised land. We all have disobeyed God by sinning. But God gave us His Son, Jesus. Jesus always obeyed God. When we trust in Him, Jesus brings us into God’s kingdom forever.
Bible Passage: Numbers 20
Christ Connection: Moses disobeyed God and did not enter the promised land. We all have disobeyed God by sinning. But God gave us His Son, Jesus. Jesus always obeyed God. When we trust in Him, Jesus brings us into God’s kingdom forever.
Sunday, Mar. 19th
Topic: God Healed the People
Bible Passage: Numbers 21
Christ Connection: God sent snakes to punish the people, but anyone who was bitten could look at the snake on the pole and live. We deserve to die because of our sin, but anyone who looks to Jesus on the cross and trusts in Him will live forever with God.
Bible Passage: Numbers 21
Christ Connection: God sent snakes to punish the people, but anyone who was bitten could look at the snake on the pole and live. We deserve to die because of our sin, but anyone who looks to Jesus on the cross and trusts in Him will live forever with God.
Sunday, Mar. 26th
Topic: No One Is Like God
Bible Passage: 1 Peter 1:13-25
Christ Connection: No one is like God. God is holy, good, and loving. Jesus shows us what God is like and gives us hope. God can make us more like Jesus. We can trust Him and live joyfully for Him.
Bible Passage: 1 Peter 1:13-25
Christ Connection: No one is like God. God is holy, good, and loving. Jesus shows us what God is like and gives us hope. God can make us more like Jesus. We can trust Him and live joyfully for Him.