Recommended Children's Resources

Harvest believes in ministering to the needs of every age group, including our littlest members.  They may be small, but every child has the potential to make a huge impact for the Lord.  It's important that kids have fun at church and grow in their relationship with Jesus. In addition to God's Word, here are some resources we recommend that speak truth into raising Godly children.

The Tale of Three Trees

Featuring the wonderful illustrations of Tim Jonke, this best-selling children’s book tells the Easter story from a new and unusual point of view. Children will be deeply touched as they understand, perhaps for the first time, the significance of Christ’s life and his atoning sacrifice on the cross.


Read Aloud Bible Stories

Perfect for reading aloud or for early readers themselves, Read Aloud Bible Stories are a great way to ingrain God's truth into your child's heart early on. Plus, the 'What Did You Learn?' page at the end of every story helps children understand how God's Word applies to them today.


Big Thoughts for Little People

Using the alphabet as a learning tool, the easy-to-use format of this beloved picture book connects Bible themes and verses that teach kids ages 3-7 Christian values. Each spread represents a letter of the alphabet and a Christian value or moral lesson beginning with the same letter. Kids are encouraged to find the lesson being modeled (or not) in the illustrations. They are also asked questions to help them apply the lesson to their lives.


RightNow Media Children's Resources

RightNow Media is full of fun resources for your kids! Make sure you have set up an account, and check out the incredible Christ-centered media available to you!


Let The Adventure Begin!

Join Chris, Joy and Gizmo as they travel through time and space to relive the greatest stories ever told!

Bible Unearthed

This 12-part series explores the history, importance and impact of archaeology and how discoveries help us better understand the ancient world. Dave Stotts, host of Drive Thru History®, introduces his friend and expert, Titus Kennedy, PhD, to unpack the world of archaeology in the Holy Land. 

Sea Kids

Freddy, David, Melissa, and their friends find themselves navigating the rough waters of peer pressure, temptation, fear, dealing with bullies, lack of self esteem, and so much more. Each episode shows the characters praying to Jesus, asking Him for guidance and wisdom.

The Torchlighters

Follow the adventures of the Torchlighters Heroes of the Faith and see how God works through those who dedicate their lives to serving him.

*Some episodes are for older children. You might want to watch with them.*